
[图帖] 逝去的荣耀Ⅱ——德意志帝国勋奖章图集[116P]




The German Empire (Deutsches Reich) was founded in 1871 in the wake of the victory over France by the Prussians and their German allies (or satellites, if you will) in the North German Confederation (Norddeutscher Bund), and in southern Germany. The North German Confederation itself was a legacy of Prussia's victory in 1866 over the Austrians in the Seven Weeks' War. Together with the war with Denmark in 1864, these three conflicts - 1864, 1866 and 1870-71 - a referred to as the Wars of Unification.

The term German Empire (the translation from German of Deutsches Reich) commonly refers to Germany, from its consolidation as a unified nation-state in January 1871, until the abdication of Kaiser (Emperor) Wilhelm II in November 1918. Germans, when referring to the Reich in this period under the Kaisers, typically use the term Kaiserreich. Sometimes in English (but rarely in German) "the Second Reich" is used, based on counting the Holy Roman Empire as the first German empire (and, as Nazi ideology insisted, Nazi Germany as the third).

When the North German Confederation was formed in 1867, it had 21 members. They were 4 Kingdoms, 6 Grand Dutchies, 5 Dutchies, 9 Principalities and 3 Free Cities. The former Kingdom of Hannover, the Electorate of Hesse, the Duchy of Nassau, the Free City of Frankfurt and the Landgraviate of Hesse-Homburg were annexed by Prussia. Four other states which were on the losing side of the Seven Weeks' War - the Kingdoms of Bavaria and Württemberg and the Grand Duchies of Baden and Hesse-Darmstadt - did not become members of the North German Confederation, but would join the German Empire in 1871. This is the make up of the German Empire that entered the Great War.



Pour le Mérite 功勋勋章

The Pour le Mérite, known informally during World War I as the Blue Max (German: Blauer Max), was the Kingdom of Prussia's highest military order until the end of World War I.

The Pour le Mérite was first founded in 1740 by King Frederick II of Prussia, named in French, the language of the Prussian royal court at the time. Until 1810, the Order was both a civilian and military honor. In January of that year, King Frederick William III decreed that the award could be presented only to serving military personnel. The Pour le Mérite is correctly called an "order", in which a man or woman is admitted into membership, and should not be referred to as a "medal" or "decoration".After the Prussian army occupied Paris in 1814, a total of 1,662 Pour le Mérites were awarded. Of those, 1,470 Pour le Mérites were awarded to Russians.

In 1842, Frederick William IV added a civil class for scholars, painters, sculptors, and musicians.


In March 1813, Frederick William III added an additional distinction, a spray of gilt oak leaves attached above the cross. Award of the oak leaves originally indicated extraordinary achievement in battle, and was usually reserved for high-ranking officers. The original regulations called for the capture or successful defense of a fortification, or victory in a battle. By World War I, the oak leaves often indicated a second or higher award of the Pour le Mérite, though in most cases the recipients were still high-ranking officers (usually distinguished field commanders fitting the criteria above; the few lower ranking recipients of the oak leaves were mainly general staff officers responsible for planning a victorious battle or campaign). In early 1918, it was proposed to award the oak leaves to Germany's top flying ace, Manfred von Richthofen, but he was deemed ineligible under a strict reading of the regulations. Instead, Prussia awarded von Richthofen a slightly less prestigious honor, the Order of the Red Eagle, 3rd Class with Crown and Swords. This was still a high honor, as the 3rd Class was normally awarded to colonels and lieutenant colonels, and von Richthofen's award was one of only two of the 3rd Class with Crown and Swords during World War I.


The Pour le Mérite gained international fame during World War I. Although it could be awarded to any military officer, its most famous recipients were the pilots of the German Army Air Service (Luftstreitkräfte), whose exploits were celebrated in wartime propaganda. In aerial warfare, a fighter pilot was initially entitled to the award upon downing eight enemy aircraft. Aces Max Immelmann and Oswald Boelcke were the first airmen to receive the award, on January 12, 1916. Because of Immelmann's renown among his fellow pilots and the nation at large, the Pour le Mérite became known, due to its color and this early famous recipient, as the Blue Max.

The number of aerial victories necessary to receive the award continued to increase during the war; by early 1917, it generally required destroying 16 enemy airplanes, and by war's end the approximate figure was 30. However, other aviation recipients included Zeppelin commanders, bomber and observation aircrews, and at least one balloon observer.

During World War I, it was awarded to 81 German military aviators: 76 army aviators and 5 naval aviators. Of that total, 78 of the recipients were officers who held the rank of Captain or below.

Although many of its famous recipients were junior officers, especially pilots, more than a third of all awards in World War I went to generals and admirals. Junior officers (army captains and lieutenants and their navy equivalents) accounted for only about 25% of all awards. Senior officer awards tended to be more for outstanding leadership in combat than for individual acts of bravery.

As the Prussia's highest military award, the Orden Pour le Mérite, was never awarded posthumously and recipients were required to wear the medal whenever they were in uniform.

The Order became extinct with Kaiser William II's abdication as King of Prussia on 9 November 1918, and was never awarded again to a new member.

授予恩格尔贝特·冯·莫斯巴赫(Engelbert von Morsbach)少校的功勋勋章,附微缩版勋章。


马克思·伊梅尔曼Max Immelmann (1890–1916)

奥斯瓦尔德·波尔克Oswald Boelcke (1891–1916)

Order of the Black Eagle 黑鹰勋章

The Order of the Black Eagle (German: Hoher Orden vom Schwarzen Adler) was the highest order of chivalry in the Kingdom of Prussia. The order was founded on 17 January 1701 by Elector Friedrich III of Brandenburg (who became Friedrich I, King in Prussia, the following day). The order became obsolete with the abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II, the last Prussian king, in 1918. In his Dutch exile the Emperor did however continue to award the order on his family. He made his second wife, Hermine Reuss, a Lady in the Order of the Black Eagle.

The statutes of the order were published on 18 January 1701, and revised in 1847. Membership in the Order of the Black Eagle was limited to a small number of knights, and was divided into two classes: members of reigning houses (further divided into members of the House of Hohenzollern and members of other houses, both German and foreign) and capitular knights. Before 1847, membership was limited to nobles, but after that date, capitular knights who were not nobles were raised to the nobility (Adelstand).Capitular knights were generally high-ranking government officials or military officers.

The Order of the Black Eagle had only one class, but could also be awarded at the king's prerogative "with the Chain" ("mit der Kette") or without ("ohne Kette"). By statute, members of the order also held the Grand Cross of the Order of the Red Eagle, and wore the badge of that order from a ribbon around the neck. From 1862, members of the Prussian royal house, upon award of the Order of the Black Eagle, also received the Prussian Crown Order 1st Class.

At meetings of the chapter of the Order of the Black Eagle, a red velvet cape with blue lining was worn, featuring an embroidered star of the order on the left shoulder.



From its founding in 1701 to 1918, the Order of the Black Eagle was awarded 407 times, with 57 of these installations during the reign of Friedrich I (1701-1713). In 1918, the knights of the order totalled 118: fourteen were members of the Prussian royal house, one was a member of the Princely House of Hohenzollern, forty-nine (of whom nine were from states then at war with Germany) were members of other reigning houses, and fifty-four (including seventeen who had not yet been fully installed) were nonroyal Germans.

One may deduce from the Prussian State Handbooks that the Order of the Black Eagle was conferred upon all male members of the royal family on their tenth birthdays; these men the collar of the Order on their eighteenth birthdays. The Order was also conferred upon Prussian queens (and, later, German empresses), though other female members of the royal family usually received the Order of Louise instead.


普鲁士国王弗里德里希五世(Friedrich Wilhelm IV    1795 - 1861)

奥古斯特·维多利亚皇后(Kaiserin Auguste Viktoria   1858 - 1921),石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因公主、威廉二世皇帝第一任妻子

奥匈帝国皇帝弗朗茨·约瑟夫一世 (Franz Joseph I   1848-1916)

附录1:The Order of Louise 路易丝勋章

The Order of Louise (German: Luisen-Orden) was founded in 1814 by King Friedrich Wilhelm III to honor his late wife, the much beloved Queen Luise (née Luise Auguste Wilhelmine Amalie, Herzogin zu Mecklenburg-Strelitz). This order was chivalric in nature, but was intended strictly for women whose service to Germany was worthy of such high national recognition.


Daughters in the royal family were invested with this order in lieu of the Order of the Black Eagle, Order of the Red Eagle Grand Cross, Prussian Crown Order First Class, and Royal House Order of Hohenzollern that were reserved for the sons.

At its initial creation, in 1814, the Order was only available in one class. A second class was added during the reign of Wilhelm I.

Dames, First Class, wore the black-enameled cross with its blue-enameled, medallion centerpiece, suspended from a predominantly white ribbon, with three black stripes, as tied in a bow. Though the statutes indicate that the badge was to be worn on the left breast, many period portraits show the members wearing the badge on or at the left shoulder of their dresses.



Dames, Second Class, wore a similarly-designed silver cross, minus the black enamel, which was also worn suspended from the white and black bow. The Prussian State Handbook of 1907 indicates further variants and subsets of the Second Class of the order: II.1 with silver crown, II.1 (without crown), and II.2.



奥古斯塔皇后(奥古斯塔·玛丽·路易丝·卡特琳娜,萨克森-魏玛-埃森纳赫公主),威廉一世皇帝的皇后 Kaiserin Augusta (nee Augusta Marie Luise Katharina von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach, 1811 - 1890)– Queen and Empress consort of Kaiser Wilhelm I .

路易丝,普鲁士公主、女大公,威廉一世的女儿,巴登弗里德里希一世大公夫人Luise, Princess of Prussia (1838 – 1923) – daughter of Wilhelm I, grand duchess and consort of Grand Duke Friedrich I of Baden.

玛丽娅,霍亨索伦-西格马林根公主,西格马林根领主卡尔·安东亲王之女;霍亨索伦领主利奥波德亲王的妹妹;比利时佛兰德斯公爵菲利普亲王夫人;比时利国王阿尔伯特一世的母亲 Maria, Princess of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (1845 - 1912) – daughter of Sovereign Prince Karl Anton of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen; sister of Sovereign Prince Leopold of Hohenzollern; wife of Prince Philippe of Belgium, Duke of Flanders; mother of Albert I, King of the Belgians.

Order of the Red Eagle 红鹰勋章


The Order of the Red Eagle (German: Roter Adlerorden) was an order of chivalry of the Kingdom of Prussia. It was awarded to both military personnel and civilians, to recognize valor in combat, excellence in military leadership, long and faithful service to the kingdom, or other achievements. As with most German (and most other European) orders, the Order of the Red Eagle could only be awarded to commissioned officers or civilians of approximately equivalent status. However, there was a medal of the order, which could be awarded to non-commissioned officers and enlisted men, lower ranking civil servants and other civilians.


By the time of World War I, the Order had evolved into six classes:

Grand Cross:enameled Maltese cross badge worn on a collar (chain) and (for dress occasions) on a sash on the right shoulder, plus a gold gilt, eight-pointed breast star on the left chest; typically available to male members of the royal family, members of the Order of the Black Eagle, nobility, and foreign royalty;
1st Class:oversized, enameled cross pattée badge worn, suspended form ribbon about the neck, on a sash on the right shoulder, plus a silver, eight-pointed breast star on the left chest; available to general officers, high nobility, and heads of foreign state;
2nd Class:enameled cross pattée badge worn on a neck ribbon, plus a silver, four-pointed breast star on the left chest; available to general officers and nobility
3rd Class:enameled cross pattée badge worn on a ribbon on the left chest; available to (usually no lower than) field grade officers and minor nobility
4th Class:non-enameled cross pattée badge worn on a ribbon on the left chest; available to company grade officers
Medal - round, gold gilt medal worn on a ribbon on the left chest; available to enlisted men

大十字勋章:珐琅涂层的马耳他十字形勋章挂于颈下,在正式场合右肩披挂襟授,左胸佩戴镀金的八角星芒章,通常使用这种装扮的是皇室成员、黑鹰勋章获得者、贵族及外国皇室; $GI jWlAh  


Within these six classes, however, were a bewildering array of variations. Among these were:

All classes but the Medal of the Red Eagle Order could be awarded with swords for distinction in wartime. The swords passed through the arms of the cross behind the center medallion.
All classes above the 4th Class could be awarded with "Swords on Ring," indicating that the recipient of that class without swords had earlier received a lower class of the order with swords. A pair of crossed swords were worn above the cross on the suspension ring or above the medallion on the upper arm of the breast star.
All classes could be awarded with or without crown as an added distinction.
The Grand Cross, 1st and 2nd Class could be awarded with oak leaves, indicating prior receipt of the next lower class of the order, and/or with diamonds, as a special distinction.
Royal family members (who were automatically awarded the Grand Cross of the Red Eagle Order, per statute of the Order of the Black Eagle) were awarded the Grand Cross "with crown." The Maltese cross badge was suspended from a miniature of the Prussian crown, which covered the usual suspension ring.
The Grand Cross was awarded at least once with crossed marshals' batons, as was awarded to Paul von Hindenburg. The crossed batons were worn above the Maltese cross badge of the Grand Cross, on its suspension ring.
The 3rd Class could be awarded with bow (Schleife), indicating prior receipt of the 4th Class.
For 50 years of service, a Red Eagle recipient received the "Jubilee Number" (Jubiläumszahl), a round medallion with the number "50" on it, affixed to the suspension ring or to the oak leaves or the ring of the bow, if applicable.
There were also a set of special versions, the Stars 1st through 4th Class, for non-Christians.



为了表彰在军队服役50年人员,产生了“Jubilee Number”版红鹰勋章,数字“50”依实际情况被装饰在吊环上、橡叶饰上、蝴蝶结状授带上。






阿尔弗雷德·冯·提尔皮茨,海军大将,佩戴着大十字级红鹰勋章 Großadmiral Alfred von Tirpitz (1849 - 1930)

利奥波德,巴伐利亚王子,佩戴着大十字级红鹰勋章 Prince Leopold of Bavaria (1846 - 1930)

卡尔·奥古斯特,哈尔登堡亲王,普鲁士大臣,佩戴着一级红鹰勋章 Karl August, Prince of Hardenburg (1750 – 1822), Chancellor of State (Prussia), 1804 – 1806; 1807; and 1810 – 1822.

Order of the Crown皇冠勋章

The Order of the Crown (German: Kronenorden) was Prussia's lowest ranking order of chivalry. Instituted in 1861 as an award equal in rank to the Order of the Red Eagle, it could only be awarded to commissioned officers (or civilians of approximately equivalent status), but there was a medal associated with the order which could be earned by non-commissioned officers and enlisted men.

The Order had six classes:

Grand Cross - wore the Grand Cross badge on a sash on the right shoulder, plus the star on the left chest;

1st Class - wore the badge on a sash on the right shoulder, plus the star on the left chest;
2nd Class - wore the badge on a necklet, plus the star on the left chest;
3rd Class - wore the badge on a ribbon on the left chest;
4th Class - wore the badge on a ribbon on the left chest;
Medal - wore the medal on a ribbon on the left chest.




The badge of the Order for the 1st to 4th classes was a gilt cross, similar in shape to the Iron Cross but with white enamel (except for the 4th Class, which was plain). The obverse gilt central disc bore the crown of Prussia, surrounded by a blue enamel ring bearing the motto of the German Empire Gott Mit Uns (God With Us); the reverse gilt disc has the royal monogram, surrounded by a blue enamel ring with the date 18 October 1861.


The star of the Order was (for Grand Cross) a gilt eight-pointed star, (for 1st Class) a silver eight-pointed star, or (for 2nd Class) a silver four-pointed star, all with straight rays. The gilt central disc again bore the crown of Prussia, surrounded by a blue enamel ring bearing the motto Gott Mit Uns. The ribbon of the Order was blue.

The order could be awarded in dozens of variations. For example with superimposed red cross, with swords and with oak leaves.



Royal House Order of Hohenzollern 霍亨索伦王室勋章

The Royal House Order of Hohenzollern (Königlicher Hausorden von Hohenzollern) was an order of chivalry of the House of Hohenzollern. It started in 23 August 1851 by Frederick William IV, and it was both a military and a civil award. The order itself could only be awarded to commissioned officers (or civilians of approximately equivalent status), but associated with the various versions of the order were crosses and/or medals which could be awarded to non-commissioned officers and soldiers or civilians of approximately equivalent status.


The House Order of Hohenzollern was instituted on December 5, 1841 by joint decree of Prince Konstantin of Hohenzollern-Hechingen and Prince Karl Anton of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen.


On August 23, 1851, after the two principalities had been annexed by Prussia, the order was adopted by the Prussian branch of the house. Also, although the two principalities had become an administrative region of the Prussian kingdom, the princely lines continued to award the order as a house order. The Prussian version was then known as the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern (Königlich Hausorden von Hohenzollern or Königlich Hohenzollernscher Hausorden), to distinguish it from the Princely House Order of Hohenzollern (Fürstlich Hausorden von Hohenzollern or Fürstlich Hohenzollernscher Hausorden). Although Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated in 1918 as German Emperor and King of Prussia, he did not relinquish his role as Head of the Royal House and as such he was still able to confer the Royal House Order. The Princely House Order continued to be awarded after the fall of the German Monarchy as well, albeit unofficially.


Another wrinkle took place in 1935. Prince Karl Anton's second son, Karl Eitel Friedrich of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, had become prince and then king of Romania as Carol I. Carol I had died childless and was succeeded by his nephew Ferdinand I, also of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen. During the reign of Ferdinand's son King Carol II, the Romanian government established its own version of the House Order of Hohenzollern, known in Romanian as Ordinul "Bene Merenti" al Casei Domnitoare or the Order of "Bane Merenti" of the Ruling House. This version existed until the Romanian monarchy was deposed in 1947, but a slightly revised version was awarded by the former King Michael in exile.


The Royal House Order of Hohenzollern came in the following classes:
Grand Commander (Großkomtur)
Commander (Komtur)
Knight (Ritter)
Member (Inhaber)

"Member" was a lesser class for non-officers (or their equivalent). The Members' Cross (Kreuz der Inhaber), especially with swords, was a rare distinction for non-commissioned officers and the like. Another decoration, the Members' Eagle (Adler der Inhaber) was often given as a long-service award to lesser officials such as schoolteachers. The "Eagles" (the Members' Eagle and the Knights' Eagle, or Adler der Ritter) were solely civilian awards, and could not be awarded with swords. All other grades could be awarded with swords. During World War I, the Knight's Cross with Swords of the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern became in effect an intermediate award between the Iron Cross 1st Class and the Pour le Mérite for Prussian junior officers. When awarded with swords it was worn on the ribbon of the Iron Cross.8300 were awarded during WW1.







赫尔穆特·冯·毛奇(Helmuth von Moltke

Iron Cross 铁十字勋章

The Iron Cross (German: Eisernes Kreuz) was a military decoration of the Kingdom of Prussia, and later of Germany, which was established by King Friedrich Wilhelm III of Prussia and first awarded on 10 March 1813 in Breslau. In addition to the Napoleonic Wars, the Iron Cross was awarded during the Franco-German War, the First World War, and the Second World War.

The Iron Cross was normally a military decoration only, though there were instances of it being awarded to civilians for performing military functions. As an example, the civilian pilot Hanna Reitsch was awarded the Iron Cross First Class for her bravery as a test pilot during World War II.

The ribbon for the 1813, 1870 and 1914 Iron Cross (2nd Class) was black with two thin white bands, the colours of Prussia. The noncombatant version of this award had the same medal, but the black and white colours on the ribbon were reversed.

The Iron Cross was founded on 10 March 1813 in Breslau and awarded to soldiers during the Wars of Liberation against Napoleon. King Wilhelm I of Prussia authorized further awards on 19 July 1870, during the Franco-German War. Recipients of the 1870 Iron Cross who were still in service in 1895 were authorized to purchase a 25-year clasp consisting of the numerals "25" on three oak leaves. The Iron Cross was reauthorized by Emperor Wilhelm II on 5 August 1914, at the start of the First World War. During these three periods, the Iron Cross was an award of the Kingdom of Prussia.


The 1813, 1870, and 1914 Iron Crosses had three grades:

Grand Cross of the Iron Cross (German: Großkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes, often simply Großkreuz)
Iron Cross 1st Class (German: Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse)
Iron Cross 2nd Class (German: Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse)

Although the medals of each class were identical, the manner in which each was worn differed. Employing a pin or screw posts on the back of the medal, the Iron Cross First Class was worn on the left side of the recipient's uniform. The Grand Cross and the Iron Cross Second Class were suspended from different ribbons.


The Grand Cross was intended for senior generals of the German Army. An even higher decoration, the Star of the Grand Cross of the Iron Cross, was awarded only twice, to Field Marshal Gebhard von Blücher in 1813 and to Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg in 1918. A third award was planned for the most successful German general during the Second World War, but was not made after the defeat of Germany in 1945.


The Iron Cross 1st Class and the Iron Cross 2nd Class were awarded without regard to rank. One had to already possess the 2nd Class in order to receive the 1st Class (though in some cases both could be awarded simultaneously). The egalitarian nature of this award contrasted with those of most other German states (and indeed many other European monarchies), where military decorations were awarded based on the rank of the recipient. For example, Bavarian officers received various grades of that Kingdom's Military Merit Order (Militär-Verdienstorden), while enlisted men received various grades of the Military Merit Cross (Militär-Verdienstkreuz). Prussia did have other orders and medals which were awarded on the basis of rank, and even though the Iron Cross was intended to be awarded without regard to rank, officers and NCOs were more likely to receive it than junior enlisted soldiers.


In the First World War, approximately four million Iron Crosses of the lower grade (2nd Class) were issued, as well as around 145,000 of the higher grade (1st Class).Exact numbers of awards are not known, since the Prussian archives were destroyed during the Second World War. Among the holders of the 1914 Iron Cross 2nd Class and 1st Class was Adolf Hitler, who held the rank of Gefreiter. Hitler can be seen wearing the award on his left breast, as was standard, in many photographs.


保罗·冯·兴登堡 Paul von Hindenburg (1847 - 1934)

Military Merit Cross 军事功勋十字勋章

The Military Merit Cross (Militär-Verdienstkreuz) was the highest bravery award of the Kingdom of Prussia for non-commissioned officers and enlisted soldiers. It was also known as the Golden Military Merit Cross (Goldenes Militär-Verdienstkreuz) to distinguish it from the Military Decoration 1st Class (Militär-Ehrenzeichen I. Klasse), a lesser Prussian enlisted bravery decoration which was an identical cross but in silver. The Military Merit Cross came to also be known as the "Pour le Mérite for non-commissioned officers and enlisted men" (Orden Pour le Mérite für Unteroffiziere und Mannschaften), after the Pour le Mérite, Prussia's highest military decoration for officers.

The Military Merit Cross was founded by King Wilhelm I of Prussia on February 27, 1864. It was originally reserved for those in the rank of Feldwebel (the then-highest NCO grade) and below, but eligibility was later extended to soldiers in the rank of Offizier-Stellvertreter, a rank created in 1887 which was roughly comparable to a warrant officer-type rank.

Military Decoration 军事奖章



Warrior Merit Medal 英勇功绩奖章


Landwehr XX Long Service Cross 后备军人20年长期服役十字奖章

These were awarded in the period 1868 to 1919 for service in the Pussian home defence army.


The front has the Imperial cypher (WR) of Kaiser Wilhelm and the reverse has the roman X X numerals denoting 20 years of service.

Pilot's Badge 飞行员证章

Established on 27 January 1913, by Kaiser Wilhelm II.


Issued to enlisted men as well as officers and non-commissioned officers, the silver Prussian Pilot's Badge was normally
presented to a pilot after he'd gained experience in aerial combat. The front of the badge depicts an early monoplane flying
over a village near a mountain range, surrounded by wreaths of laurel and oak leaves joined together at the base with a

ribbon bow. The laurel leaves on the left symbolize victory while the oak leaves on the right symbolize strength. At the top
of the badge is an Imperial Prussian crown representing a united Germany.


Commemorative Pilot Badge 飞行员纪念证章

This badge would have been worn by Prussian Army pilots who no longer flew on active duty. It is sometimes referred to as a

"Retired Pilots" badge. The badge is unique among Prussian badges as it is cut out and the eagle is flying over the landscape.  Herman Göring wore a badge similar to this in several photos during the 1930's.


Air Service Commemorative Badge 陆军飞行队纪念证章

This is one of the more unusual Imperial German Flight Badges. It was issued for a very brief time: apparently from about January 1914 until August 1914. It was issued at the same time as the Commemorative Pilot Badge. The Commemorative Pilot Badge was principally used for men who were no longer on active flight status due perhaps to health or injuries. The Air Service Commemorative Badge was used for men who had attained flight status ( thus being entitled to the Prussian Army Pilot Badge & having its certificate). However, they might have been returned to their previous duties because of a need in those units (cavalry, infantry, artillery, etc.). What is known is that it was not awarded in any great numbers (the exact amount is not known).

Navy Land Plane Pilot Badge 海军飞行员证章

This is a very appealing example of the Navy Land Plane Pilot Badge. It is of the one-piece variety. It has a striking gilt finish with some toning to the obverse. The reverse bears hallmarking from the firm of Meybauer, along with a flat pin.


Naval Sea-Plane Pilot Badge 海军水上飞机飞行员证章


Air Gunner Badge 航炮手证章


Ölberg Cross 奥尔堡十字勋章
Das Ölberg-Kreuz wurde am 24. Dezember 1909 durch Prinz Eitel Friedrich von Preußen zur Erinnerung an die Gründung der Kaiserin Auguste Victoria-Stiftung auf dem Ölberg bei Jerusalem gestiftet und konnte an Männer und Frauen verliehen werden, die sich um die Stiftung verdient gemacht haben.

Das Ordenszeichen ist ein aus vergoldetem Silber gefertigtes Kruckenkreuz mit vier rot emaillierten Kreuzarmen. Zwischen jedem Kreuzarm ist ein schwarz emailliertes Jerusalem-Kreuz angebracht. In der Mitte der Dekoration ein aufgelegtes weißes Johanniterkreuz.

Getragen wurde das Ölberg-Kreuz an einem weißen Band.


Merit Cross for War Aid 战争辅助功勋十字奖章



Military Order of Max-Joseph 马克思·约瑟夫军事勋章

The Military Order of Max Joseph (German: Militär-Max-Joseph-Orden) was the highest purely military order of the Kingdom of Bavaria. It was founded on January 1, 1806 by Maximilian-Joseph upon his ascent to the throne of the Kingdom of Bavaria.

The order came in three classes:

Grand Cross (Großkreuz)
Commander's Cross (Kommandeurkreuz)

Knight's Cross (Ritterkreuz)


Individuals who received the order and were not already members of the nobility were ennobled and would add the title of "Ritter von" to their family name. A Bavarian title of nobility obtained through the Military Order of Max Joseph was valid for the recipient's life only.
无论获得者先前是否为贵族,被授予此勋章后都将成为其中的一员,这在军事勋章中实属少见,获得者还可享有在姓氏前附加“Ritter von”的资格,不过此头衔无法继承。

The order became obsolete in 1918 with the collapse of the Bavarian monarchy on Germany's defeat in World War I. However, the orders chancery continued to process outstanding award recommendations to at least 1922.

The badge of the order was a white-enameled gold Maltese cross with balls at the of each cross point. The center medallion, in blue enamel and edged in gold, featured the monogram of Max Joseph on the obverse (a cursive "MJK") and the Latin motto of the order, "Virtuti pro patria" ("Bravery for the fatherland") on the reverse, both in gold. Above the cross was a gold crown.

勋章的章体是一个涂有白色珐琅的金质马耳他十字,每个角尖上都有一个小球。中间是一块镶金边的蓝色珐琅,上面写有金色马克斯·约瑟夫的字母组合(字母MJK的花体),勋章的背面是金色拉丁文“Virtuti pro patria”(意为为了祖国英勇战斗)。在十字章体上面是一个金质皇冠装饰。

The badge of the Knight's Cross was much smaller than that of many other military orders and decorations. It measured 28-mm in width (and 50-mm in height including the crown and ring), compared to Bavaria's Military Merit Order, the badge of whose lower grades measured 41-mm by 45-mm. It was worn from a ribbon on the officer's medal bar ahead of other decorations or, typically, separately worn through the buttonhole. In 1951, wear of the Knight's Cross around the neck, an unofficial practice for some time, was permitted by the still-existing chancery of the order. The badge of a Commander's Cross was somewhat larger than the Knight's Cross, measuring 38-mm by 55-mm. It was worn from a ribbon around the neck. The Grand Cross was still larger (68-mm by 100-mm), and had golden rays between the arms of the cross.


The star of the order, which only came with the Grand Cross, was a silver eight-pointed star (with each point made of five rays). The center of the star featured a badge of the order, but with an oversized medallion, bearing the motto "Virtuti pro patria".
银质八角星芒章(每两个角尖之间有光芒装饰)只在颁发大十字级勋章时同时授予,星芒章正面中心与其它级别一样,只是尺寸更大,上面有“Virtuti pro patria”字样。


For recipients of the order who were not already members of the nobility, receipt of the order conferred a patent of nobility. This patent was not inheritable, similar to a knighthood in the United Kingdom. When a recipient was ennobled, his surname name was changed by the addition of the title "Ritter von" ("Knight of"). Thus for example the later Field Marshal Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb was born Wilhelm Leeb.
如果此勋章获得者不是贵族成员,那么他将被授予贵族头衔。此头衔与英国的骑士封号相类似,但不可世袭。当获得者被授予贵族头衔后,他的名字中会加入“Ritter von”(可以理解为“某某骑士”)。比如威廉·勒布,后来的陆军元帅,变成了Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb(在姓氏前加了Ritter von)。

Such a patent of nobility only applied to Bavarian subjects; non-Bavarians could receive the Military Order of Max Joseph but not use a title because of this. Thus for example General Erich Ludendorff remained plain Ludendorff, although he was decorated with the Grand Cross of the order in 1916.

Note that not all Bavarian "Ritter von" were knights of the Military Order of Max Joseph. The Merit Order of the Bavarian Crown, a high civil honor (but also frequently awarded to military personnel) also conferred a patent of nobility. For example the 1920s-era Minister President of Bavaria Gustav Ritter von Kahr was a recipient of the Merit Order of the Bavarian Crown rather than the Military Order of Max Joseph. Furthermore, "Ritter von" was also a hereditary title in some noble families and had no connection to these orders.

需要注意的是,并不是所有名字中有“Ritter von”的人都是通过马克思·约瑟夫军事勋章获得骑士头衔的。有一种授予给平民的最高荣誉(虽然经常颁发给军事人员)——巴伐利亚功勋勋章,也能让获得者成为贵族。例如巴伐利亚总理古斯塔夫·卡尔在上世纪20年代获得比马克思·约瑟夫军事勋章高一级别的巴伐利亚皇冠功勋勋章(此勋章介绍详见附录2)后,其名字变成了“Gustav Ritter von Kahr”。需要指出的是,有些贵族的“Ritter von”头衔不是通过勋章获得的,而且可以世袭。

利奥波德·马克西米利安·约瑟夫·玛丽亚· 阿努尔夫,巴伐利亚王子 Leopold Maximilian Joseph Maria Arnulf, Prinz von Bayern (9 February 1846 - 28 September 1930)

鲁普雷希特,最后一位巴伐利亚皇太子, Crown Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria or Crown Prince Rupert of Bavaria (German: Kronprinz Rupprecht von Bayern) (18 May 1869 – 2 August 1955) was the last Bavarian Crown Prince.

弗朗茨·冯·埃普骑士(注意他的名字) Franz Ritter von Epp(16 October 1868 in Munich – 31 December 1946 in Munich)

欧根·冯· 肖伯特,参加过两次大战的老兵,41年在苏联前线因所乘侦察机误降雷区而触雷阵亡 Eugen Ritter von Schobert(March 13, 1883 – September 12, 1941) was a German general who served in World War I and World War II. He died in the Soviet Union when his observation plane crashed in a Soviet minefield.

附录2:Civil Merit Order of the Bavarian Crown 巴伐利亚皇冠平民功勋勋章


King Maximilian Joseph I. of Bavaria founded the Civil Merit Order of the Bavarian Crown on May 27,1808. With its motto: “Virtus et Honos” the order belongs to the civil merit orders of the Kingdom of Bavaria. The order was originally awarded in three grades: grand cross, commander cross and knights cross as well as its affiliated silver and golden medal. In 1855 the grand commander grade was added to the order's system.
巴伐利亚皇冠平民功勋勋章由巴伐利亚国王马克西米利安·约瑟夫一世于1808年5月27日设立。章体上有铭文“Virtus et Honos”,它是巴伐利亚国王的平民功勋勋章中的一种。勋章设有三个级别:大十字级、司令官级和骑士级,以及同名的金质和银质奖章。1855年新增了大司令官级。

大十字级: 章体115x75 星芒章90x90
大司令官级:章体80x55 星芒章75x75

司令官级: 章体80x55 无星芒章

骑士级: 章体60x40 无星芒章



Military Merit Order 军事功勋勋章

The Bavarian Military Merit Order (Militär-Verdienstorden) was established on July 19, 1866 by King Ludwig II of Bavaria. It was the kingdom's main decoration for bravery and military merit for officers and higher-ranking officials. Civilians acting in support of the army were also made eligible for the decoration. The Military Merit Order ranked below the Military Order of Max Joseph (Militär-Max-Joseph-Orden).which was Bavaria's highest military honor for officers (and conferred a patent of non-hereditary nobility on officers who were not already nobles).

By World War I (after a wholesale revision of the order statutes in 1905), the order had evolved into the following classes:

Grand Cross (Großkreuz) - Cross worn from a sash with a breast star
1st Class (1. Klasse) - Smaller cross worn from a sash with a breast star
2nd Class (2. Klasse) - Smaller cross worn from a ribbon around the neck
Officer's Cross (Offizierskreuz) - Pinback cross worn on the lower left chest; the cross had an elongated lower arm.
3rd Class (3. Klasse) - Smaller cross worn from a ribbon on the upper left chest.
4th Class (4. Klasse) - Same cross as the 3rd Class, except with silver flames and, where applicable, crown and swords.



The order could be awarded with or without swords (which generally indicated wartime or combat awards). The Grand Cross and 1st Class always came with a breast star, but the 2nd Class could be awarded with or without the breast star. The 3rd and 4th Classes could be awarded with or without a crown. Generally, these distinctions were based on rank, but in certain cases were used to permit a second award for further acts of bravery or military merit.


During World War I, the order was typically awarded as follows:

Grand Cross with Swords (Großkreuz mit Schwertern) - Field marshals, colonel generals, generals
1st Class with Swords (1. Klasse mit Schwertern) - Generals, some lieutenant generals
2nd Class with Star and with Swords (2. Klasse mit dem Stern und mit Schwertern) - Lieutenant generals, major generals who already had the 2nd Class with Swords

2nd Class with Swords (2. Klasse mit Schwertern) - Major generals
Officer's Cross with Swords (Offizierskreuz mit Schwertern) - Colonels, some lieutenant colonels
3rd Class with Crown and Swords (3. Klasse mit der Krone unde mit Schwertern) - Colonels, lieutenant colonels
3rd Class with Swords (3. Klasse mit Schwertern) - Lieutenant colonels, majors
4th Class with Crown and Swords (4. Klasse mit der Krone unde mit Schwertern) - Majors, captains (and a few lieutenants) who already had the 4th Class with Swords
4th Class with Swords (4. Klasse mit Schwertern) - Captains, lieutenants
In addition, there was an associated Military Merit Cross, which was open to non-commissioned officers and enlisted soldiers.







路德维格三世(路德维格·路易波德·约瑟夫·玛丽亚·阿洛伊斯·阿尔弗雷德),巴伐利亚国王,佩戴着大司令官级军事功勋勋章 Ludwig III (Ludwig Luitpold Josef Maria Aloys Alfried; English: Louis Leopold Joseph Mary Aloysius Alfred), (1845–1921), King of Bavaria.

弗里德里希·冯·克雷斯男爵,一战土耳其军队指挥官,佩戴着佩剑军官级和三级皇冠佩剑军事功勋勋章 Friedrich Freiherr Kreß von Kressenstein- Bavarian general and commander of Ottoman forces in World War I.


Military Merit Medal / Bravery Medal 军事功勋奖章/勇敢奖章

The Military Merit Medal (Goldene/Silberne Militär-Verdienst Medaille) was Bavaria's highest decoration for bravery for non- commissioned officers and enlisted men. Both the gold and silver medals outranked the various grades of the Military Merit Cross, with the gold outranking the silver. The Military Merit Medal was founded on October 30, 1794. The medals were informally known as the Gold and Silver Bravery Medals, and on March 2, 1918 the name was officially changed to Bravery Medal. During World War I, there were approximately 1,000 awards of the Golden Bravery Medal and 2,800 to 2,900 awards of the Silver (sources differ on exact numbers).



Military Merit Cross 军事功勋十字奖章

The Bavarian Military Merit Cross (Militär-Verdienstkreuz) was that kingdom's main decoration for bravery and military merit for enlisted soldiers. It was intended "to reward extraordinary merit by non-commissioned officers, soldiers, and lower-ranking officials." It was originally established on July 19, 1866 as the 5th Class of the Military Merit Order, which was the main decoration for bravery and military merit for officers and higher-ranking officials. Civilians acting in support of the army were also made eligible for the decoration.

The Military Merit Cross ranked after the Gold and Silver Military Merit Medals (renamed the Bravery Medals in 1918), which were Bavaria's highest military honors for NCOs and enlisted soldiers.

The Bavarian Military Merit Cross underwent three major revisions. In February 1891, awards with swords were authorized to distinguish wartime awards, whether for bravery or military merit, from peacetime awards. This was made retroactive for wartime awards from the Austro-Prussian War of 1866 and Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71.

In 1905, the statutes of the Military Merit Order were revised and the Military Merit Cross was divided into two classes. The former Military Merit Cross became the Military Merit Cross 1st Class, and a new second class was created which had no enamel on the medallion. The distinction in classes was based on the rank of the recipient.

In 1913, another revision of the statutes of the Military Merit Order divided the Military Merit Cross into three classes. The old non-enameled 2nd Class became the 3rd Class and was changed from silver to bronze. The old 1st Class became the 2nd Class. The new 1st Class was identical to the 2nd Class except that it was gilt rather than silver. In addition, all classes were authorized to be awarded with a crown. The crown could be used for a second award to an NCO or soldier who already had received a particular class and whose rank precluded award of a higher class, or to recognize greater merit. There were then effectively 12 combinations: 3 classes each with or without crown, and each with or without swords. This doubled when one takes into account that there were two possible ribbons, one for soldiers and one for officials (Beamtenband).


World War I broke out the following year, and the Military Merit Cross became Bavaria's main decoration for bravery and merit by enlisted soldiers in that war, roughly equivalent to Prussia's Iron Cross (except unlike the Iron Cross, the classes of the Military Merit Cross were awarded based on rank). According to one source, the total number of awards of all classes was 380,976. Approximately 290,000 were of the 3rd Class with Swords and approximately 73,000 of the 3rd Class with Crown and Swords, the two lowest grades. The Military Merit Cross became obsolete with the fall of the German Empire and the Bavarian Kingdom in 1918, although the Bavarian government continued to process awards up to 1920.


Theodor Eicke(西奥多·艾克):二级(无剑)军事功勋十字奖章
Sepp Dietrich(泽普·迪特里希):三级佩剑军事功勋十字奖章
Adolf Hitler(阿道夫·希特勒):三级佩剑军事功勋十字奖章

King Ludwig Cross 路德维格国王十字奖章

The King Ludwig Cross (König Ludwig Kreuz) was a decoration for merit on the homefront. It was founded on January 7, 1916, and was awarded "to those persons who have performed especial merit for the army or for the general welfare of the homeland during this war through official or voluntary activities in the homeland." Dr. K.-G. Klietmann indicates that approximately 73,000 crosses were awarded between July 1916 and March 1918, so the total number of awards is likely over 100,000.

Air Gunner Badge 航炮手证章


Observer Badge 观测员证章


Commemorative Pilot Badge 飞行员纪念证章

Worn under the same terms and conditions as the Prussian badge. These two are very similar with the main difference being the crowns. This underscores the fact that WW1 Germany was a group of States, Principalities, Duchies and was not just 1 unified country.

Order of St Hubert 圣·休伯特勋章


Order of St George 圣·乔治勋章


Royal Merit Order of St Michael 圣·迈克尔王室功勋勋章





Order of the Lion 雄狮勋章

由巴伐利亚法尔茨区 (Electoral Pfalz) 长官卡尔·西奥多 (Carl Theodor) 于1768年1月1日设立。作为一种颁发给贵族及为州政府服务有功人员的勋章,总共授予了25枚。

Maximilian Order for Arts and Sciences 马克西米利安科学艺术勋章


Ludwig Order 路德维格勋章


Theresa Order 特蕾莎勋章


Merit Cross for Volunteer Nurses 志愿护士功勋十字奖章



Royal Guelphic Order 王室教皇党勋章

The Royal Guelphic Order, sometimes also referred to as the Hanoverian Guelphic Order, was a Hanoverian order of chivalry instituted on 28 April 1815 by the Prince Regent (later George IV). It has not been conferred by the British Crown since the death of King William IV in 1837, when the personal union of the United Kingdom and Hanover ended. It has however continued to be conferred by the Kingdom of Hanover as an independent state and subsequently, after the defeat and forced dissolution of the Kingdom of Hanover by the Kingdom of Prussia, to be awarded by the Royal House of Hanover. The honour is named after the House of Guelph to which the Hanoverian kings belonged, and its insignia were based on the white horse of that kingdom's arms.

The Order included two Divisions, Civil and Military. Its three classes, in descending order of seniority, were:

Knight Grand Cross (GCH)
Knight Commander (KCH)
Knight (KH)



The Order has six officers: the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor, the Register, the King of Arms, the Genealogist, and the Secretary.

The first six officers were:

Chancellor: Count Ernst Friedrich Herbert von Münster
Vice-Chancellor: Georg Nieper
Secretary: Ludwig Moeller
King of Arms: Sir George Nayler
Genealogist: August Neubourg
Register: Sir William Woods




Order of Ernst August 恩斯特·奥古斯特勋章

Instituted on 15 December 1865 by King George V. Awarded for civil and military merit..

Waterloo Medal 1815 滑铁卢奖章


Langensalza Medal 1866 朗恩萨拉扎奖章



Military Order of St. Henry 圣·亨利军事勋章

The Military Order of St. Henry (Militär-St. Heinrichs-Orden) was a military order of the Kingdom of Saxony, a member state of the German Empire. The order was the oldest military order of the states of the German Empire. It was founded on October 7, 1736 by Augustus III, King of Poland and Elector of Saxony. The order underwent several more revisions over the course of the 19th and early 20th centuries. It became obsolete with the fall of the Saxon monarchy in the wake of Germany's defeat in World War I.

The Military Order of St. Henry also was the highest Saxon decoration bestowed upon members of the German Air Service and was most often awarded to pilots and observers of Flieger, Feldflieger and Bomber Abteilungen.At least 2,717 recipients were awarded the Military Order of St. Henry during World War I. Of that number, at least 107 recipients were pilots or observers/gunners.

The order came in four classes: Grand Cross (Großkreuz), Commander's Cross 1st Class (Kommandeurkreuz I. Klasse), Commander's Cross 2nd Class (Kommandeurkreuz II. Klasse) or sometimes just Commander, and Knight's Cross (Ritterkreuz). Generally, the rank of the recipient determined which grade he would receive - the Grand Cross went to monarchs and the highest field commanders, the Commander 1st Class to senior generals, the Commander 2nd Class to officers major and above (with a few exceptions) and the Knight's Cross to all officers. Again with few exceptions, one was required to have received a lower grade before receiving the next higher grade. During World War I, there were 12 awards of the Grand Cross, 14 awards of the Commander 1st Class, 153 awards of the Commander 2nd Class, and 2,728 awards of the Knight's Cross As an example of the progression, Rupprecht, Crown Prince of Bavaria, a general and later field marshal, received the Knight's Cross in August 1914, the Commander 2nd Class in June 1915, the Commander 1st Class in January 1917, and the Grand Cross in May 1918.


The badge of the order was a gold Maltese cross with white-enameled edges. Around the center medallion was a blue-enameled gold ring bearing on the obverse the words "FRIDR•AUG•D•G•REX•SAX•INSTAURAVIT" and on the reverse the motto "VIRTUTI IN BELLO" ("Bravery in War"). On the obverse, the medallion was yellow-enameled with a painted portrait of St. Henry, the last Saxon Holy Roman Emperor. On the reverse, the medallion bore the Saxon coat of arms (alternating vertical black and white stripes with a diagonal rue crown). Between the arms of the cross were green-enameled rue crowns, a symbol of Saxony. The Grand Cross was larger than the Commander's Cross, and the Commander's Cross was larger than the Knight's Cross.
勋章的章体由金质马耳他十字与白色珐琅镶边组成。章体的正面中心是一个镀着蓝色珐琅的金质圆环,上面写着“FRIDR•AUG•D•G•REX•SAX•INSTAURAVIT”,背面的铭文是“VIRTUTI IN BELLO”(英勇战斗)。章体正面涂着黄 色珐琅的是神圣罗马帝国的最后一位萨克森皇帝。背面圆环上画着萨克森的盾形纹章(横向黑白交错的条纹和斜放的装饰着芸香的皇冠),上面的皇冠图案是萨克森的标志。所有级别的勋章章体相比,大十字级最大,最小的是骑士级。

The star of the order, awarded with the Grand Cross and the Commander 1st Class, was a silver eight-pointed star featuring a larger version of the medallion with St. Henry of the obverse of the cross.

The ribbon of the order was light blue with yellow stripes near each edge.
此勋章的授带主体是淡蓝色,两边则是黄 色条纹。

The Knight's Cross was worn as a breast badge on the upper left chest. The Commander's Crosses were worn from the neck, with the breast star of the Commander 1st Class on the lower left chest. The Grand Cross was worn from a sash over the shoulder, with the badge resting on the left hip. Its star was worn as with the Commander 1st Class. On occasion, the Grand Cross badge was worn from the neck and was distinguishable from the Commander's Crosses only by its size.

弗里德里希·奥古斯特三世 (King Friedrich August III),萨克森国王,脖子下方佩戴着一枚特别的大十字级圣·亨利军事勋章,星芒章佩戴于左胸,勋表中另有一枚骑士级圣·亨利军事勋章

Merit Order 功勋勋章




Order of Albert 阿尔伯特勋章

The Order of Albert (Albrechts Orden) was instituted on 31 December 1850 by King Friedrich August II to honor the memory of Duke Albrecht the Brave, founder of the Albertine Dynasty. The military variation of the decoration was established in 1866. )


Ten classes consisting of divisions for the Grand Cross, Commander's Cross, Officer's Cross and Knight's Cross. Officers serving in the Army only received the three lowest ranking awards:
Knight, 1st Class with Crown and Swords

Knight, 1st Class with Swords
Knight, 2nd Class with Swords

The Order of Albert was originally awarded to " all those who render useful service to the state, or who distinguish themselves through civil merit, science, art, etc., who have earned a claim to Our recognition." Beginning in 1866, the Order of Albert was bestowed upon military personnel for merit in the field and to indicate this, a pair of crossed swords were added to the medal. Very often, non-Saxons also received this award.





Medal of the Military Order of St. Henry 圣·亨利军事奖章



Merit Cross 功勋十字奖章


Honour Cross 荣誉十字奖章


Albert Cross 阿尔伯特十字奖章


War Merit Cross 战争功勋十字奖章

Established on 30 October 1915 by King Friedrich August III.


Friedrich-August Medal 弗里德里希·奥古斯特奖章


  • 81429721 金币 +50 好,加分鼓励 2012-7-21 18:03


太有魅力、太有诱惑力了,可惜我在部队的时候出了因为工作得过几个嘉奖、一个优秀士兵加一张寄往家乡的喜报之外,没有获得过类似以上的各种勋章,可惜加遗憾。如果国家需要的话,我会从回部队 报效国家、争取功勋。




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