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标题: [音乐] Every Time You Go Away 每当你离去-Paul Young [打印本页]

作者: candyrain    时间: 2010-6-21 16:23     标题: Every Time You Go Away 每当你离去-Paul Young*yv3PflRT0iRyab5FEIqd32i-D2i2JKDk3diIr88YlWV/evrytmeyougoaway.MP3


hey!if we can solve any problem
then why do we lose so many tears
oh, so you go again
when the leading man appears
always the same thing
can't you see we've got everything going on and on and on
everytime you go away
you take a piece of me with you
everytime you go away
you take a piece of me with you
(background vocals: everytime you go..)
go on and go free
maybe you're too close to me
i can feel your body move
it doesn't mean that much to me
i can't go on singing the same thing
can't you see we've got everything do you even know we know
everytime you go away
you take a piece of me with you
everytime you go away
you take a piece of me with you
ohhhhhhh oooohhhh,
everytime you go away
i can't go on singing the same thing
baby, can't you see we've got everything going on and on and on
everytime you go away
you take a piece of me with you
everytime you go away
you take a piece of me with you
everytime you go away
you take a piece of me with you
everytime you go away
you take a piece of me with you
ohhhhhhh oooohhhh,
(background vocals: everytime you go..)
everytime you go


老歌, 老的咬不动了
由两个老的不能再老的人 George Micheal 和 Paul Yong 演出

paul young
保罗·扬 Paul Young   保罗·扬(Paul Young)1956年1月17 日出生于英格兰的Bedfordshire。 1980年,Paul Young 和7位喜爱60年代关魂乐的二位朋友组成“Q-Tips”乐团,并以《S.Y.S.L.J.F.M》一试歌喉。1982年,Q -Tips乐队解散后,Paul加盟CBS,发表了第   一首个人单曲《Iron Out the Rongh Spots 》;1983年,单曲《Wherever I Lay My H- eart》发行,击败Rod Steward的《Baby J- ane》夺得全英排行榜冠军。接着LP《No P- ails》也夺得了全英专业排行王座。同年11 月《 Love of the Common Reeple》再版发行,取得不俗成绩。1984年2月,Paul 荣获   BPI最佳男声歌手奖。一曲《Come Back And Stay》打入了美国排行榜的Top 30。1984年10月,单曲《I'm Gonna Lear You Playho-use Down》销量回升,成绩斐然。   1985年3月,Paul Young 开始全英巡回演唱, 单曲《Everytime You Go Away》推   出之后,Paul Young扬名乐坛,成为乐迷关注的又一焦点人物。这首深情款款的抒情之作为他赢得了全美排行冠军,以及第28届葛莱美奖最佳流行单曲将提名。Paul Young是近年来英国歌坛难得一见的优秀歌手,凭着极佳的音质和对各种音乐形态的成功尝试,他正日渐挤身于摇滚巨星的行列之中。

作者: rini12238    时间: 2010-6-22 03:05

作者: lingxi577    时间: 2010-6-23 23:00

作者: kk_810709    时间: 2010-6-24 00:20

you take a piece of me with you
(background vocals: everytime you go..)
go on and go free
maybe you're too close to me
i can feel your body move
it doesn't mean that much to me
i can't go on singing the same thing
can't you see
作者: kk_810709    时间: 2010-6-24 00:21

作者: d0d0_    时间: 2010-6-25 09:39

作者: huiwen    时间: 2010-6-25 10:41

作者: xiangzi618    时间: 2010-6-25 11:27

作者: skybrd    时间: 2010-6-27 01:24

Paul Young 獨特渾厚略帶沙啞的嗓音,非常帶有磁性!
這首歌曾經風靡 80年代的男女 !
作者: oswald1017    时间: 2010-7-9 15:13

作者: qixi8191    时间: 2010-7-9 15:32

我们这正在下雨  听到这首歌回忆很久以前的事
作者: changjian1965    时间: 2010-7-9 16:02

作者: w.z.y-0915    时间: 2010-7-9 17:08


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